Agriculture & Commodity Boards
Agriculture & Commodity Boards
Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil and you’re a thousand miles from the corn field.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
We are passionate about working on behalf of American agriculture and commodity boards. While we are clearly handier with a pencil than a plow, our work with this industry has placed us literally in fields and orchards, canneries, packing sheds and dry yards up and down California.
Food Safety
Food Safety
One of the trends we’re seeing in food and agriculture is more and more consumers wanting to know things about their food and where and how it’s grown and what’s in it.
Dan Glickman
Oxfam America board member & former US Secretary of Agriculture
While we often take it for granted, a safe, reliable food supply is something that we as Americans count on day in and day out.
Green & Organic
Green & Organic
Long before Martha Stewart or Alice Waters were household names, there was Harriet Hair. Master gardener, artist with the green thumb, old school, organic guru. “Go out into the garden, and what’s ripe, that’s dinner.”
Ginny Hair, granddaughter
Fresh, healthy, good-for-you, safe, sustainable…these are the images that come to mind when we think about green and organic products.
Health & Wellness
Health & Wellness
Since its inception, Echo Communications has been at the forefront of the health and wellness conversation. Whether commissioning and promoting a nutrition study from Oregon State University on California Cling Peaches, or developing news stories with the trade and consumer media on behalf of our clients, or leveraging the new influencers—bloggers and supermarket dietitians—we understand how to connect our clients with the national health and wellness conversation. In fact, long before it became trendy, Echo understood the value of working with registered dietitians.
School Foodservice
School Foodservice
Unlike other agencies, Echo Communications approaches school foodservice as its own industry, completely separate from the larger foodservice sector. Since 1998, we have provided our clients with the expertise of an active school foodservice director, as we have developed educational, nutrition, food safety and Buy American programs, including educational videos, aimed at increasing purchases of California grown fruits and vegetables specifically for the school foodservice market. We have worked closely with the leadership of the School Nutrition Association and the California School Nutrition Association to present educational breakout sessions…
Supermarket Dietitians
SuperMarket Dietitians
Time to rethink ubiquitous shelf-talkers, ho-hum FSIs, overpriced end cap displays and other retail marketing spends. Today’s shopper is looking for authentic meal and nutrition solutions that cannot be found in your standard promotion. Instead look to developing an in-store program with today’s retail experts: supermarket dietitians. Supermarket Dietitians are the fastest growing sub-group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) and are using their nutrition education, media savvy and consumer common sense to bring nutrition “alive” in the retail grocery setting.